Getting started with kubectl for Azure AKS on Windows

In this post you will learn how you can launch the Kubernetes Web UI Dashboard from you Windows Bash connected to the new Azure AKS service. Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux Before we get started with kubectl, we need to install the “Windows Subsystem for Linux”. This will enable us to run a bash shell and connect us to the Azure AKS environment. To enable the “Windows Subsystem for Linux” feature run the following command in an elevated PowerShell and restart your computer if prompted....

November 29, 2017 · 1 min · Silthus

Workaround for TCS has stopped working with HP Loadrunner TruClientIE

When using HP Loadrunner 12 and above with TruClientIE there is a known issue that the TCS process stops working after a couple of minutes. Running a normal scenario with 10 VUsers will cause the scenario to fail after about 20 to 30 minutes, because there will be no more virtual users left to run the scenario. While this problem is still existent in HP Loadrunner 12.01 as of 04.12.2014 there is a workaround to allow the execution of scenarios that need to run stable and without crashing after about 20 minutes....

November 16, 2017 · 2 min · Silthus